04. Personal Injuries Litigation
Personal Injuries Litigation
We have experience in dealing with personal Injures matters at Injuries Board stage, Circuit Court, and High Court level. We will advise and assist you through the Injuries Board stage and advise you on any Injury Board offer.
We will advise you through the court process if the matter has to proceed to court. We have a very experienced team who will assist you and guide you through the entire process and advise you of any difficulties that may arise during the process. Rest assured that you are in safe hands.
“In contentious business, a legal practitioner shall not charge any amount in respect of legal costs
expressed as a percentage or proportion of any damages (or other moneys) that may become
payable to his or her client or purport to set out the legal costs to be charged to a junior counsel
as a specified percentage or proportion of the legal costs paid to a senior counsel.
A legal practitioner shall without prior written agreement of his or client, deduct or appropriate any
amount in respect of legal costs from the amount of any damage or money that becomes payable
to the client, in respect of legal services that the legal practitioner provided to the client”.